Spiritual Heavyweight | acrylic on canvas | 94cm x 94cm | 2022

Born in 2001, Khashayar Salmanzadeh is an emerging artist living and working on Wurundjeri country. Raised in Perth since leaving his homeland of Iran, his work is concerned with the spiritual reality of the human condition. His paintings are Influenced by his experience of diaspora and his identity as a member of the Bahá'í Faith, a world faith that believes in the oneness of mankind. Experimenting with the unique materiality of paint and the dynamic interplay between western portraiture and eastern calligraphy, Salmanzadeh hopes his work is able to generate reflection and dialogue between the viewer in the aim of overcoming division and promoting unity. He completed his Honours in Fine Art at RMIT University in 2023. His work has been included in numerous national exhibitions and competitions such as the Blake Prize (2022, 2024), the Lester Prize (2023), and Hatched: National Graduate Show (2023).

Instagram: @khashayar_salmanzadeh

Current and upcoming projects:

68th Blake Prize
Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre, Casula NSW
11 May - 7 July 2024